After 4 weeks with my Ah-Jeng-slash-Pasar-Malam-Hair-color, I have finally decided to color my hair. This time it's back to black. :)
Ok, it's Black Blue. Hawt rite? ahaha
To tell the truth... I kinda like the idea of having a black hair with a tint of blue in it. But then... when i googled "blue hair"- the hairs are all, well... take a look.



So kinda had a second thought on coloring my hair. I mean that there's possibilities that my hair might turned out like that! But then again, I've already bought the hair dye and yeah, why not give it a shot rite...
So I did.
This is what I bought with Gladys yesterday. Rest assure that unless you are physically handicapped, DIY hair coloring at home is so easy and safe- plus it's so much more fun than having it done saloon! and did I mentioned that it's cheaper? hehe

I am actually a big fan of Loreal 3D coz the end look are usually more natural, but they are available only in earth tones. So that left me with Wella or Garnier. Since Wella is more expensive than Garnier(by 10 freaking bucks can u believe it?! rip off betul!) I've decided that I'll give it a shot on Garnier.
Hmm... And all these are included inside.

Click on image for clearer pic
So basically these are the few tips that need to be observed before you start coloring your lock.
#1- Read the label(very important)
#2- Wear those gloves, unless u want to have an iodine colored nails. Very unattractive. Trust me- yours truly experience.
#3- Unless you dad own Gucci/Prada/Hermes, do use old/inexpensive shirts and if you must, cover ur shoulders with garbage bag/towel/newspapers.
So thats about it la. Just remember to be extra careful and DON'T color your eyebrows at home NO MATTER how tempting it is (leave them to the pros) unless you wanna risk yourself getting blind. (no joke)
Hmm, with that and a brave heart, I started my transformation from Ah-Jeng- to becoming the Guy-Next-Door(?).
Erm I did took tonnes of pics of me during the process, but then lets just say it's not really a pretty sight and the color is rather alien-ish- so...
It's easier to apply but gotta leave it for 40 mins to really let the color penetrate into the hair fibre.(the leaflets says 25-35 min max but just wanna be safe)
While waiting, I made Dazie order 20 pieces of Mc Nuggets, 1 large F&N Orange and 1 large fries... All for me.
And then I wait.
and wait. Finally McD arrived and it's also time for me to wash my hair. The washing process was longer than I've anticipated. But the end result was worth it. It's nothing like the pics that I saw on9. It's so nice coz it's actually more to black and best thing is my parents won't even noticed it's blue... unless I stand in the sun of coz.
Changed and wanna saviour my McD. Was really pissed that I ordered 20 pieces of nuggets and they FORGOT to give me my BBQ sauce. WTF? So I called them and demand my BBQ sauce to be delivered.
While waiting, I decided to cam whore. So here goes-

Then someone interrupted my cam whore session.
Me: Yes?
Miss K: Take photo.
Me: No.
Miss K: Please please...
Me: Hmm... Ok then. Hmm, Posing with those???
Miss K: HEHE...
Me: Vain.

Miss K's Mom: Kaka! Jalan...
...Model lari tinggalkan set...
Was just about to change into other clothes but McD's here and I am starving.
Then pretty much occupy my the rest of the time to sleep and on9. Cam whore? Some other time.
Anyways, can't wait for college tomorrow. First day of Sem3. Shhh- I didn't anyone from college. Till then.