Today is...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Welcome Ladies and Gents

Hi there, no matter how u found me, thanks for stopping by to read my blog. Yeap, this it yours truly first attempt on blogging. I know, i know, by this time probably most people had given up blogging(or it's considered as the last millennium thing) so I am probably one of the last few to start one. It's not that I've been living under the coconut shell all these while, it's just that I've been idling around like nobody business busy coping with college life. But I must admit that I really enjoy reading other's blog such as the one and only Mr Manager- Can't imagine my life without your daily supa-hot gossips latest updates on Malaysian Celebrities. Thank You. If those of you who're free don;t forget to view his page too, gerenti Meletup habis. (adoi dah macam promoter pulak promoting other's blog).
Anyho, my blog resolution is to at least post ONE blog a day. I tried blogging on friendster before but I kinda slipped into the mighty hands of M- malas. hehe....

Herm, it's getting late and I've got plans for tommorrow.
Nite and sleep tight.

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