Today is...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

I been seeing lots of the "You been tagged" tagging thingy lately... So to my horror as I scrolled thru Bak's page, I have realised that I've been TAGGED! There's two options:

1)Hit the "BACK" button and pretend I didn't notice. Then on the next outing when she ask whether I saw them, convincingly say no...

2)Answer the damn thing....

Since I am quite free... (I love Agong's installation day- cuti woo hoo!)
So here goes:

5 Reasons Why I Blog:

* I am living in an unknown college to my frens(by the way it's no longer alif- it's ALPHA INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE... will blog on this later) so this is a better way i guess to update my lovely-tots on my rather boring life...

*To prove to GOD, MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS and MYSELF that I can published a post EVERYDAY.....

to which I completely fall face-first- FLAT on... tsk tsk

*To be able to share certain things that interest me with others without forcing them to like it too... Confused? Well ex, I like Mariah Carey, and I post her stuff here. So if you like it you can view it here, and vice versa. The rule of thumb, if you don't like it? Then don't.

*I know I am beginning to sound unsound... Oh well the fourth reason is I am creative person who love to show others my creations... very the tak malu prasan diri sendiri creative.... haha

... and Lastly

*I have a very bad short term memory span. I couldn't even remember whether I peed this morning... So this is a good way for me to keep a log on my life and perhaps looking back and remembering my own shares of regrets, fun and a whole lot of assignments that have been given to me- though I doubt that I will forgot the latter....

So there you go, the 5 reasons why I blog... Not tagging anyone... hah!

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